19¢ a word

Health spas charge by the hour; the Word Spa charges by the word.

The price is based on the number of words you submit. The number of words we add, change, or leave in place doesn't matter.

Our current price is 19 cents per word. 50 words is the minimum order.

That price will change in the future. The Word Spa is an experiment in both writing and pricing; we'll raise the price as demand rises, lower the price if demand shrinks. (Seek equilibrium in all things, as the Buddha says.)

How you pay: As you submit your text for treatment, we'll count the words and show you the price. Headlines, footnotes, abbreviations, and numbers all count as words. Hyphenated words count as one word. Examples:

   John has bushy eyebrows.   (4 words)

   John has had 2 bushy eyebrows since 1977.   (8 words)

   Ha! Bushy eyebrows, plaid shirts, etc., have been part of John's
   neo-lumberjack look for 22 years.
   (16 words. "Neo-lumberjack" is one word.)

Payment is by credit card or PayPal only.

If your company won't allow the use of credit cards, contact us and we'll work it out. If you're a high-volume client and you'd like to set up a monthly billing account, please contact us.

Our guarantee: If you're not satisfied with your rewrite, the Word Spa will cheerfully refund your money.

A few sample prices:

200 words:   $38.00
463 words:   $87.97
22 words:     $9.50 (50 word minimum)
4000 words:  $760.00

All prices are based on the number of words you submit. Changes we make have no effect on the price.
